Yeah, John and Desiree West had love making scenes more over than just sex scenes. It was always passion. He would tongue kiss her and like in this scene, 9 out of 10 times, that load would’ve been all over some girl’s face. He didn’t degrade Desiree. This looked to be one of his best loads. He wasn’t a shooter at all. He pumped it right on her big breast and looked completely satisfied.
Sylvia McFarland was a different person entirely. I am a huge Desiree fan and if memory serves me correctly, her real first name was Sylvia. However, her last name was Reynolds. She and Dachile entered into the industry together as a couple and during and interview with Ken Scudder, he stated that Desiree was "completely devoted" to him. I have to give him a lot of credit. If I were with Desiree, I would not have shared her with anyone.